Thursday 31 October 2019

Week 3 Term 4 Reflection: Spooktober's Secrets

Hey Hey Hey! Welcome back to my very uneventful blog! Today, I'll be talking about my halloween experience!

At school, we did alot of halloween activities. This included writing a story, dressing up, drawing on mandarins, and decorations. I will be sharing my group writing with you. Fun fact, I actually don't like this particular type of writing as with the time we were given, we couldn't do much.. Here it is!

Image result for Hollow woods

Inspiration was from this little game, by the way. Roll the tape!

"One spooky night in the depths of the forest, there lived a knight and a girl. They were walking down a path and they meet each other at an intersection. They both decided to go down a spooky track that leads them to a black, rusty almost broken gate that looked like the entrance of a cemetery. They slowly enter. They see a shadow, but when they got closer… It was the grim REAPER! They run out of the gates to get to the knight’s horse and sword all caught up in spiky vines.

When they were riding away they found a treasure chest so they stop and take a look at it… It was full of candy and weirdly enough, garden gnomes. When they went back to their house they found a goblin staring at them so they give him a garden gnome then he runs back to his cave and puts the garden gnome into his collection of gnomes. Then they sat down, chowed down their candies, and got headaches."

The teacher seemed to like it, as she left a comment on the writing that said we work well as a team and that we did well. You can find information on the other work that I did on this crazy halloween day on the other class blogs of T4!

I know not many people actually read my blog, so I'm greatful if you actually are reading this. Sorry for not adding too much information. I don't really have the material that the group created.

I'll see you next post!


  1. Hey Martin, Your spooky hotdog post made me laugh. I am glad to see you participated in the Halloween activities. Did you get a selfie while dress up in disguise?? Can't wait to see it.

    1. Hey Mrs. Gully! Thanks for the comment! I did get a selfie while in disguise, I just don't have it in my drive yet. Thanks for the comment!

      (That dog is in a crayon costume!)

      From Marty


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