Thursday 15 December 2016

week 10 term 4 reflection!

Yes it is that time again for a reflection... but this time its the last....
LAST WEEK OF THE YEAR! finally the time has come for the last week of the last month of this year

so i have 3 awards to give out:
The Best Highlight Award
The Proud Award
and the Continue award

The winner of the best highlight award goes to....... Camp and the water fight!
Camp and the water fight deserve this award because they where two fantastic moments in this year and they were both Really fun and they were both supported by the teacher so thanks teachers!

The winner of the proud award goes to....... The juicy O ad!
The juicy O ad deserves this spot because it was the best art creation i have ever done
here is a photo of the winner

wow good job!

And the continue award goes to...... Division!
i think the continue award should go to division because
i think most people in this class might need to learn a bit more division facts.

Well everybody thank you for being at this award giving
and i hope to see you next year!

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