Friday, 23 August 2019

Week 5 Term 3 Reflection: Bees & Film making

Hello! Welcome back to my minecraft blog that I also post my school work on.. Hah, let's get into this week's work!

This week, I am proud to announce that our school is doing the Film Festival! you may ask "What's the film festival?" The film festival is a once-a-year school event where each school gets to submit videos made by the students for it to be featured on the film festival website.

I am creating a horror movie where a school inspector comes to our empty school, and encounters a very sinister threat..

Also, this week we have been doing alot of things for the entire day! On monday we did enlargements, tuesday we did wearable arts, wednesday we did novel study, thursday we did calendar art, and today we're doing film festival!

Image result for minecraft beesI'm so excited for this next segment! Recently, the developers of minecraft released snapshot 19w34a, where they released BEES, bee hives, bee nests, honeycomb, honey, and some other dispenser changes for 1.15!

Bees go around and pollinate flowers, and head into their bee hive/nest to make more bees. You can breed bees by feeding two bees a flower.

This is so exciting as the future of minecraft will be changed forever with this!

Thanks for coming back for another day, your support keeps me going, and I'll see you later!

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